Casual Encounters – Patron Saint of Pigeons [Intern Affairs]


The Lightning 100 intern band known as the Casual Encounters are back again this week with another Craigslist Missed Connection song.  If you love the casual Encounters make sure you come to Soulshine Pizza Friday!  They will play all of their hits at 6pm! Benjy Davis plays at 7pm!

I SAW YOU COVERED IN PIGEONS – w4m (Centennial Park)

I saw you in Centennial feeding bread to the pigeons. With

your arms out like Christ, hundreds perched onto your

limbs. Patron saint of pigeons and I wish I’d gotten your


Brian "the web guy" is a Nashville native that grew up on radio and Grimey's New and Preloved Music. Seasoned communications professional that has immersed himself in the Nashville community while connecting local musicians, businesses, non-profits, unicorns, and transplants. Starting in 2008, Brian has worked with programming, marketing, sales, and promotion. Roles have included but not limited to copywriting, digital sales, content creation, sponsorship, video production, graphic design, booking, event creation, social media posting, and targeted ad purchasing.