Cherry Glazerr – Wasted Nun


Hope here with my DJ pick of the week from Cherry Glazerr aka Clementine Creevy. “Wasted Nun” is the lasted single from her album, Stuffed & Ready.

“‘Wasted Nun’ is about a woman trying to come to grips with her life. She’s a tragic woman. She hates herself and is trying to move through the world but gets deflated by extreme self-loathing. She wants to harness the power of the universe but instead she turns to self-destruction,” Creevy explained in a press release. “The song is aggressive and intense because I’m letting out my anger, I’m enraged. People want girls to be strong, I want to be strong, but I just feel angry, and those are two very different things. There’s a stubbornness there, I know.”

Listen below and let us know what you think!