Faith Healer- Julien Baker: DJ Pick of the Week

Julien Baker press photo by Alysse Gafkjen
Julien Baker press photo by Alysse Gafkjen

Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week! 

Today’s DJ pick comes from the queen of moody indie, Julien Baker. Baker has taken the alternative world by storm in the last few years with her 2017 album, Turn Out The Lights, and the 2015 record, Sprained Ankle. Some memorable tracks from these albums are “Televangelist”, “Happy to be Here”, and breakout hit, “Brittle Boned”. As of late, Baker is back with her first release of 2020, a single titled “Faith Healer”. This single is off of her upcoming album, Little Oblivions, and it’ll be out on February 26th via Matador Records.

“Faith Healer” is a beautiful ballad that seems upbeat for Baker. Known for her sullen voice and hard-hitting lyrics, Baker steps in a slightly new direction with this song. The single builds in such a subtle way, but it makes this tune sound almost motivational. If this teaser track is any indication of the songs that will be featured on the next album, Little Oblivions will be a gamechanger! My prediction is this album will be a new step in the discography of Julien Baker

Baker said this about her newest album and single, “Put most simply, I think that ‘Faith Healer’ is a song about vices, both the obvious and the more insidious ways that they show up in the human experience.” She continues, “I started writing this song two years ago and, it began as a very literal examination of addiction.”

“For a while, I only had the first verse, which is just a really candid confrontation of the cognitive dissonance a person who struggles with substance abuse can feel — the overwhelming evidence that this substance is harming you, and the counterintuitive but very real craving for the relief it provides. When I revisited the song I started thinking about the parallels between the escapism of substance abuse and the other various means of escapism that had occupied a similar, if less easily identifiable, space in my psyche”. 

Be sure to tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “Faith Healer” featured as Dan’s DJ Pick of the Week. And we want to hear your thoughts! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick and give us your take on the track.