LUTHI – Milk And Honey



Jayson’s DJ pick this week is new local music from LUTHI. Check out the tune “Milk And Honey” and let us know what you think! Their new record Stranger drops May 11…the same night Lightning 100 Presents LUTHI live with Spazz Cardigan & The Gripsweats at Exit/In. Buy your tickets here!

LUTHI routinely brings the party, and with nine members, it’s a big one. “Boogie Circus” is the most colorful description of their sound so far. “We like the term Cumberland Funk too,” says front man Christian Luthi, with an easy chuckle. What’s very evident in talking with (what they call) “The LUTHI Crew” is the shared passion for helping others let loose.  And let loose they will.

Traveling in a pack that can be likened to big bands of days gone by, the members of LUTHI have honed in on the one thing that all nine of them can agree on: keeping it weird. Drawing from influences that include soul and R&B acts from the ’60s, psychedelic funk and groove from the ’70s, and New Wave rock and roll from the ’80s, LUTHI then turns the ingredients into their own stew of modern dance music with lyrics and melodies that only continue to open themselves up to listeners with each new spin.