Margaret Glaspy – Before We Were Together


Lani Ford here. Gettin’ sassy with Margaret Glaspy for my DJ pick today. Check out “Before We Were Together” off Glaspy’s Born Yesterday EP and let us know what you think!

“I wrote these songs on the road, in my hotel, on the plane, and at soundcheck. They were the product of the little time that I had to myself – three songs about different sides of love: love gone wrong, love gone right, and love at a distance. Born Yesterday is a bookend on the adventure that was my last record Emotions and Math,” Glaspy says. “In releasing it, I feel set free to sink deep into my new inspirations while taking a break from the road and make something entirely new. These songs are the end of this chapter and mark a new beginning!”

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Margaret Glaspy’s ‘Born Yesterday EP’ is available now on ATO Records. Enjoy the three song EP now and pre-order the vinyl here: