Lucy Dacus – Forever Half Mast


Casey here with my DJ pick of the week from Lucy Dacus. Dacus has been releasing songs as holiday-themed singles, and the latest Independence Day track is “Forever Half Mast.”

“There is a daily dissonance one endures as an American wherein much of our joy is counterweighted by shame, where much of our pride lives in tandem with injustice and suffering,” Dacus said in a statement. “‘Forever Half Mast’ is about confronting this unavoidable culpability as an American citizen and consumer. Instead of allowing this guilt to paralyze us, we should try to let it influence us in positive ways.”

Listen below and let us know what you think.

Casey is that rarest of creatures…a Native Tennesseean. His love of music can be traced to the day his dad sat him down and played him Bo Diddley’s “Who Do You Love?” Everything pretty much changed after that. He began his broadcasting career at the age of 14 at an AM station in Northern Middle Tennessee. It was there he learned how to cue vinyl records, splice tape with razor blades, and other skills that no longer serve any purpose. In the late nineties, he was the host of our evening show until management decided that probably wasn’t a good idea anymore. Casey returned to Nashville airwaves in 2016. When he isn’t on the air, he spends his time with his wife and son. He would also appreciate it if you’d get offa his lawn.