Sam Lewis [Guest DJ]


Sam Lewis joined Lt. Dan in the ONErpm studio as a guest DJ during Fridays’s request lunch. Sam brought a vinyl takeover and played various tracks from his favorite records including songs from Leon Russel, Lee Dorsey and more, while giving some insight as to why he chose those songs. You’ll also hear a few of Sam’s own songs and the inspiration behind them. Check out his new album Loversity out now and his full playlist below!

  • Stranger in a Strange Land by Leon Russel
  • Do It by Sam Lewis
  • Loversity by Sam Lewis
  • Let’s Take It Too Far by Fruition
  • Doorway by Adam Chaffins
  • Is There Any Love by Trevor Dandy
  • Some Fall Hard by Sam Lewis
  • Accidental Harmony by John Mann
  • Great Ideas by Sam Lewis