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Can you remember when the hit tv show Nashville premiered on ABC in 2012, I know that’s a long time ago to remember, but that was also the same year Ed Sheeran came by the studio to do a live show for us before selling out the Ryman later that night. 

Back in 2012, not only did Nashville hold the first Grammy nomination concert away from Los Angeles, but Lightning’s own Moon Taxi released the album Cabaret and played a couple tracks in the studio. 

Southern Ground Music Festival preview

%CODE1% Join us at The Lawn at Riverfront Park where Zac Brown Band & the Southern Ground crew have been mixin' up the perfect blend...

the615 Playlist for 09/25/12

(Episode #12) the615 Playlist for 09/25/12 Featured Guest: Angel Snow Angel Snow's Picks: Angel Snow- Loose Ends- Angel Snow Marc Scibilia- How Band We Need Eachother- Marc Scibilia...

The615 for 11/27/12

Episode 21. The615 11/27/12 %CODE1% LOCAL ARTIST OF THE WEEK Josh Doyle- Solorstorms #4 - Self Titled DJ PICKS Hammel - Langhorne Slim & The Law - The Way...

Forecastle Lineup 2012

My Morning Jacket | Bassnectar | Wilco | Girl Talk | Andrew Bird Sleigh Bells | Atmosphere | Neko Case | Clutch | A-Trak |Galactic Flying Lotus | Beach House |The Head and the Heart...

the615 playlist for 8/07/12

(Episode #5) #the615 Playlist for 8/07/12 %CODE1% Featured Guest: Lt. Dan Buckley Dan’s Picks: Apache Relay- Power Hungry Animals- American Nomad Sixpence None The Richer- My Dear Machine- The...

the615 Playlist for 10/16/12

(Episode #15) the615 Playlist for 10/16/12 Local Artist Of The Week: Courtney Jaye-Morning- Playing Tin Roof 2 10/19 at 7pm Dj Picks: Hammel: Simo- What's On Your...

HoneyHoney – Ohio

Burlap and opals. Moonshine and macrobiotics. Shaken and soothed. How Suzanne Santo (vocals/banjo/violin) and Ben Jaffe (vocals/guitar) managed to reconcile not just polemics, but...

Carolina Chocolate Drops performs live

 %CODE1% Carolina Chocolate Drops perform a few tracks off their new album Leaving Eden live at Marathon Music Works.  Special thanks to Griffin Technology for sponsoring...

the615 playlist for 7/31/12

(Episode #4) #the615 Playlist for 7/31/12 %CODE1% Featured Artist: Jen Foster Jen’s Picks: Jen Foster- Venice Beach- You Stayed Mando Saenz- Pocket of Red Emily West- I Hate You I...

The615 Playlist for 11/20/12

Episode20. The615 11/20/12 %CODE1% LOCAL ARTIST OF THE WEEK Alyssa Bonagura - I Make My Own Sunshine - Love Hard DJ PICKS Hammel - Dave Rawlings Machine - Monkey...

the615 playlist for 7/24/12

(Episode #3) #the615 Playlist for 7/24/12 %CODE1% Featured Artist: The Inscape The Inscape's Picks: Charlie- Dreamin' The Inscape- Use Me Jordan Hull- In The Summer This Just In: The Cards- Don't Ruin...

the615 12/18/12

%CODE1% Episode #24. the615 12/18/12 LOCAL ARTIST OF THE WEEK Great Peacock - Desert Lark- Playin' TinRoof 2 Friday at 7:30, 12th & Porter 1/2/13, the 5...

Maxïmo Park – The Undercurrents

Lightning 100 debuts "The Undercurrents" by Maximo Park.  Order The National Health now from Play.com: http://bit.ly/GWczox and Amazon: http://amzn.to/Iot5Li %CODE1%