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Archived audio from the Lightning 100 vault, from interviews to exclusive live performances recorded in the Lightning 100 studio.

Community Corner: Girls Write Nashville

This week on Community Nashville, we had the privilege of speaking with Jen Starsinic, co-founder and Executive Director of Girls Write Nashville. This incredible...

the615 – 3/22/21

This week's episode of the615 kicks off with a new single premier from Fulton Lee. In the second hour Casey is joined by The...

615 Saturday – 3/20/21

Did Bruce Springsteen and Elvis ever meet? Casey answers this question and more on 615 Saturday. This week you'll hear tracks from Airpark, Arts...

Thad Cockrell – Nashville Sunday Night (3/21/21)

This week Thad Cockrell joined us at 3rd and Lindsey for Nashville Sunday Night. This was his first live performance since his career changing...

the615 – 3/15/21

This week on the615 Casey plays tracks from Jive Talk, Drew Elliott, Catalina, and many more. Stay tuned to the second hour of the615...

615 Saturday – 3/13/21

Take a stroll down Lower Broad as Casey brings you two hours of local music on 615 Saturday! This week you'll hear tracks from...

Music Business Radio: Jock Bartley of Firefall

This week on MBR we take you back to the sweet 70's. Jock Bartley, founding member of the legendary rock band, Firefall, is our...

the615 – 3/8/21

Happy International Women's Day! To celebrate, this week we're playing a special Nashville Women Who Rock edition of the615. That's right Casey is bringing...

615 Saturday – 3/6/21

Break out your cotton candy and join Casey for 615 Saturday! On this episode you'll hear tracks from Jeremi Duran, Briston Maroney, Jason Isbell,...

Community Corner: Play Like A Girl

This week on Community Corner we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Kimberly Clay, Founder and CEO of Play Like A Girl....

the615 – 3/1/21

This week on the615 Casey is joined by Jason Ringenberg in the second hour of the show. He also introduces our new Local Artist...

615 Saturday – 2/27/21

This week on 615 Saturday Casey leads you into the underground tunnels of downtown Nashville to dig up great local music you can't find...

Community Corner: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

This week on Community Corner, we sat down with Robin Nobling, Executive Director of the Davidson branch of the National Alliance on Mental...

the615 – 2/22/21

the615 now brings 2 FULL hours of local music from our airwaves to your ears. This week Casey is joined by Volk in the...

615 Saturday – 2/20/21

On the first ever Saturday edition of the615, Casey brings two full hours of local music to get you through the weekend. You'll hear...

the615 – 2/15/20

This week on the615 Casey introduces new Local Artist of the Week, The Foxies! You'll hear their new track "Timothee Chalamet" as well as...

Community Corner: Persist Nashville

This week on Community Corner, we sat down with Scott Campbell of Persist Nashville, a local nonprofit seeking to increase the college graduation rate...

Interview: Ringo Starr (Audio)

Our very own Lt. Dan got the chance to chat with Ringo Starr last week—yes, that Ringo Starr. The two got a chance to...

the615 – 2/8/21

On this week's episode of the615 Casey introduces new tracks from Maggie Rose, The Foxies, and many more! You'll also here our new Local...

Community Corner: Siskin Children’s Institute

This week we welcome Steffanie Altman of the Siskin's Children's Institute to talk about their recent expansion into Nashville, their vision for the future,...