More Mayhem: Molly Martin

Molly Martin Press Photo

With Music City Mayhem right around the corner, we wanted to take the opportunity to get to know the final eight artists more intimately. I had the pleasure of interviewing Molly Martin, a Philadelphian by birth, turned Nashville Native. She moved to Nashville four years ago and has been taking the music scene by storm ever since. 

As we both sat on FaceTime in our pajama pants, we talked about Music City, the industry, and what it means to be a female artist in 2020. 

Q: “How have things changed or you during corona? Have you picked up any new hobbies?” 

A: “Yes, actually, during corona, I’ve been super into cooking, baking, and embroidery. I actually started taking commissions on embroidery. I’ve started to make these shirts with Julia Roberts and Steve Buscemi on them. Music-wise, I’ve been really focusing on all aspects of my music and the upcoming release of my single that drops on the 14th. I am actually previewing it during Mayhem! I’ve gotten really into just diving deep into the whole process of my music. Everything from the perfect cover art, to filming a music video in my basement, to just preparing for what’s next in music.” 

Q: “Since you’ve been focusing so much on music during the pandemic, how did you get started in music?” 

A: “In Philly, my brother was apart of a program called School of Rock. When I was in the 7th grade, we went to one of his showcases that just so happened to be a Black Sabbath tribute. As I was sitting there watching, I knew this is what I wanted to do. It clicked that I wanted to be in music. After that, I started to play the bass, then guitar, and then started singing and songwriting.” 

Q: “Oh, wow, that’s awesome! If you knew at School of Rock that you wanted to be a musician, is your family musical?” 

A: “Actually, my dad was in the music scene in the ’80s. He was involved with bands like Def Leppard and played the bass. My Dad was the one who encouraged me to pick up the bass in the first place. He told me that there are a million guitar players, but someone will always need a bass player. That’s where I got my start.” 

Q: “Since moving to Nashville, how do you think this move impacted you musically?”

A: “I think the move was absolutely positive. Nashville is a small enough community that you can make great connections and build one another up from just going and playing different bars and clubs. You start running into the same people and you being building great relationships with other artists. The scene is also small enough for everyone to get their own chance, and for every voice to be heard. I’ve lived here for four years now, and I’ve built a great community of friends and musicians.” 

Q: “Who inspires you, musically, who did you look up to as a musician?” 

A: “When I was younger, I was super inspired by female musicians like Kelly Clarkson or Christina Aguilera. I loved seeing women make huge names for themselves in music. As I’ve gotten older, I still really admire female musicians that have a relentless spirit. Like Soccer Mommy or Pheobe Bridgers, women that make their voice known in the music industry and won’t back down”. 

Q: “That’s a great answer and brings me to my next question, There is so much change happening within the industry right now for female artists, what do you think the future of the industry will look like?” 

A: “I actually just came forward with my own story of sexual assault recently. This wave of women coming forward about men abusing their power or fame is so moving. Since releasing my story, I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Knowing that you have so many peers that not only believe you but support you is so overwhelming. Taking back the power after such a traumatic incident is so empowering.”

 “As far as the music industry goes, I think we will see way more female artists playing shows, working behind the scenes at venues, being managers, and just being highlighted more as a whole. I think this wave of calling out abuse shows this won’t fly anymore; it’s high time men know this is not going to continue happening in the music scene. Fear leaves you when you share your own story, these people or person has no power over you anymore, and more and more women are realizing this.” 

Q: “What is the best piece of advice you’ve personally gotten as a musician?” 

A: “I think the best advice I’ve ever gotten is to speak from your own voice. To really try to write and make music from the person that is deep within you. Be vulnerable and show who you truly are through music. It is easy to tell when someone is writing just for the “coolness” factor and aren’t pulling from their own experiences. Just to really speak from your own voice and try to narrow down that voice as a musician. Authenticity is so important in songwriting, and writing real songs from the heart is something so beautiful, but many people never tap into their own voice. Being authentically you and not caring about anything else.”

Q: “Since you’ve been in Nashville and on the music scene for some time, what is something you have seen change over the years of being a musician, good or bad”? 

A:” Like we talked about earlier, just seeing women really coming into the spotlight as artists. So many people tell me there aren’t enough female performers, but there are! People just haven’t been paying attention. I think as reform beings to happen, and the music business will continue to change, more female artists will get the spotlight. More headliners that are females and more opportunities for women in music to be seen and heard. Definitely, as massive and positive change since I have been a musician”. 

Q: “As we wrap up, is there anything you want people to know or a fun fact?”

A:” Actually, my new single comes out August 14th and is called “What You Need.” I will be releasing music for the next few months till November, and then I will have a full EP. Also, I have abnormally small hands for a grown woman that plays a full-size bass”. 

I cannot thank Molly enough for the opportunity to interview such an inspiring young female musician. Be sure to check out her new single, “What You Need,” dropping on August 14th. You can also see her in action on a previous Nashville Sunday Night performance for Lightning 100!

Keep up with Molly Martin for her upcoming single releases and a brand new EP. Don’t forget to tune in to Music City Mayhem on August 12th to hear her single “What You Need”!

Written by: Madison Sharp