That’s All – Amanda Shires: DJ Pick of the Week


Amanda Shires has done it again with “That’s All,” Casey’s DJ Pick of the Week. Her cover of the 1983 Genesis classic feels fresh and funky, all while paying considerable respect to its Phil Collins origins.

Shires, a singer-songwriter with a country flair, defies genre expectations more than ever on this track. Where projects like The Highwomen have been pretty firmly country, “That’s All” sounds like it could be on a Fiona Apple record. The music is angular, off-kilter, and at times just plain weird.

Something that makes this cover feel so special is the connection Shires draws between its original 1983 lyrics and the year we just experienced. The single artwork pokes fun at COVID-19, showing off an angry cartoon of the virus. The original song’s lyrics certainly don’t have much to do with life in a pandemic, to be sure. But it’s hard to argue that “Just as I thought it was going alright / I found out I’m wrong when I thought I was right” doesn’t feel like peak 2020. The lyric video makes these connections clear, drawing references to pretty much everything we went through this year. And yes, that includes Tiger King.

“That’s All” is just more proof that Amanda Shires is one of the best artists working today. And she’s showing no signs of stopping, already teasing future work with art-pop singer-songwriter Lawrence Rothman. Whatever she has in store for the future, we know it’s going to be great.

Be sure to tune into 100.1 FM or to hear “That’s All” by Amanda Shires featured as Casey’s DJ Pick of the Week. Be sure to let us know your thoughts! Tweet at us with #L100DJPick and share your take on the track.