Beach Weather Performs “Chit Chat” and “Sex, Drugs, Etc.” – Live from the Studio


Today Beach Weather stops by the studio to hang out with Lt. Dan! Beach Weather is a three piece Indie Rock Band consisting of Nick Santino, Reeve Powers, and Sean Silverman. Beach Weather performs “Chit Chat” and “Sex, Drugs, Etc.” live on the air.

The band has been on a hiatus since 2017, but hinted at the release of their new album “Pineapple Sunrise”. The lead single is a track called “Unloveable”, which the band released earlier this year. While hanging out with us, the band discussed how necessary the hiatus was for them. Reeve Powers said that the break gave them the chance to be creative before coming back together. While the band may have taken a pause, the impact of their music sure didn’t.

Their track “Sex, Drugs, Etc.”, released 6 years ago, has found fascination from the internet through use on TikTok. With over 30k uses in videos across the platform, the band says the song was always a fan favorite. With new tour dates coming up this fall, the band is shaking the dust off leading up to the release of their first full length album.

Beach Weather performs “Chit Chat” and “Sex, Drugs, Etc.” live from the Studio. You can watch their full performance below!

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