Kathleen Edwards Performs “Who Rescued Who” and “Glenfern” Live in the Volume.com Studio


Yesterday Mel welcomed Kathleen Edwards into the Lightning 100 studio powered by Volume.com for an interview and acoustic performance of “Who Rescued Who” and “Glenfern.” Kathleen introduced us to her most recent EP Dogs and Alcohol.

This past Sunday, the singer-songwriter played to a sold-out show at the Basement East. Kathleen is returning from an almost 10 year hiatus after opening up a coffee shop called “Quitters” in her hometown of Ottawa, Canada. However, Kathleen is anything but a ‘quitter,’ and has returned to music and songwriting. “I’m finally starting to play in-front of people again, so that’s nice!” You can check out Kathleen’s music and tour dates here!

If you missed the live performance and interview, check it out below!

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