Holiday Hops 2021 Day 1: Stiegl-Hell Lager


Happy Holidays and welcome to this year’s segment of Holiday Hops! It’s the perfect time of year to gather around with loved ones and try some of the best beers for the holiday season. To kick it off,  DJ Jayson and Rhizome Productions’ Matt Leff try the Stiegl-Hell Lager.

Made in Austria, the Stiegl-Hell Lager has a pale gold color that’s easy drinking as a 4.5% ABV lager. The first thing that hits you when you open up a can is the aroma it adds to the room. “It’s bread-y, but in a good way,” says Matt. The first sip from this beer is crisp and clean, making it easy to drink. It’s sure to refresh your pallet and is great before a heavy holiday meal. This is the perfect drink for any holiday gatherings this year, and will be sure to be a favorite amongst family and friends.

The Stiegl-Hell Lager comes in 16.9 oz cans and you’re likely to find this at one of your finer beer retailers. They are available in a four pack, so this is one that’s good for smaller gatherings as well. Since it’s a low AVB, it also affordable. After shopping for gifts all month long, you won’t have to feel bad about opening up one of these.

Get the full scoop in the episode linked below. After you’re done, catch up on all things brews at thanks to Rhizome Productions and Lipman Brothers!

Looking for more suggestions? Look no further! Holiday Hops is happening now through December 17th. You can tune in right here at Lightning 100 Monday through Friday at 6:30 a.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. If you just can’t wait, you can also listen on demand at! Thanks for celebrating with us and Happy Holidays!