Local Music

Local independent music from Nashville, TN

Darrin Bradbury

Darrin Bradbury — “Shiny Town”: DJ Pick of the Week

"Shiny Town" by Darrin Bradbury is Casey's DJ pick of the week! Bradbury is based in East Nashville and is known for his humorous,...
Sarah Lake

Sarah Lake — “You Don’t Have To”: Local Artist of the...

Indie country artist Sarah Lake is Lightning 100's local artist of the week! Lake has written for many artists in Nashville in addition to...

the615 – 11/15/21

Casey introduces Sarah Lake as our new Local Artist of the Week on this week's episode of the615. You'll also hear tracks from De3ra,...

615 Saturday – 11/13/21

Learn about several Tennessee state songs on this week's 615 Saturday. Casey plays tracks from Moon Taxi, The Criticals, Drew Elliott, Tommy Womack, and...
Will Ellis

Will Ellis — “No Bosses In Heaven”: DJ Pick of the...

"No Bosses in Heaven" by Will Ellis is Casey's DJ pick of the week! Will Ellis is a Nashville-based artist and released his EP,...

the615 – 11/8/21

This week on the615 Casey introduces Amanda Broadway Band as our new Local Artist of the Week. You'll also hear tracks from Tommy Womack,...
Amanda Broadway Band

The Amanda Broadway Band — “The Slow Down”: Local Artist of...

The Amanda Broadway Band is Lightning 100's local artist of the week! The group is back with a brand new single, "The Slow Down."...

615 Saturday – 11/6/21

This week on 615 Saturday Casey fills you in on which Tennessean holds the world record for "Most Claps in a Minute". You'll hear...
Super Ride

Super Ride —”Shred City”: DJ Pick of the Week

Super Ride's new single "Shred City" is Casey's DJ pick of the week! The song is Super Ride's debut release. Upon listening to Super...

the615 – 11/1/21

This week on the615 Casey introduces Jasmin Kaset as our new Local Artist of the Week. He's also joined by special guest, Hadley Kennary....
Jasmin Kaset

Jasmin Kaset — “Have You Met Me Yet?”: Local Artist of...

Jasmin Kaset is Lightning 100's Local Artist of the Week! The Nashville-based singer-songwriter simultaneously dropped two new singles back in October. According to Kaset's...

615 Saturday – 10/30/21

This week on 615 Saturday Casey gives everyone a break from the spooky stories and talks about the happiest place in Tennessee. You'll also...
Tommy Womack

Tommy Womack — “Pay It Forward”: DJ Pick of the Week

Tommy Womack's new single "Pay It Forward" is Casey's DJ pick of the week! "Pay It Forward" is included on Womack's new album, I...

the615 – 10/25/21

This week on the615 Casey brings another full length album premiere. Be sure to check out Phillip-Michael Scales's debut record "Sinner-Songwriter" this Friday....

Waker – “Many Days Ahead”: Local Artist of the Week

Waker is Lightning 100's Local Artist of the Week! The genre-blending group released their single "Many Days Ahead" in late January 2021. The single...

615 Saturday – 10/23/21

Spooky Szn is still upon us and Frightening Casey is here to tell you another creepy Tennessee tale. You'll also hear tracks from Dreamer...

the615 – 10/18/21

This week on the615 Casey introduces Amanda Shires as our new Local Artist of the Week. You'll also hear tracks from Margo Price, Daniel...
Amanda Shires

Amanda Shires – “Saddle in the Rain”: Local Artist of the...

The endlessly talented Amanda Shires is Lightning 100’s Local Artist of the Week! The Texas born musician and songwriter is a featured artist on a...

615 Saturday – 10/16/21

Learn a bit about the Bell Witch from Casey on this week's episode of 615 Saturday. You'll also hear tracks from Erin Rae, Trent...
Willie Pearl

Willie Pearl — “Fixed It For Ya”: DJ Pick of the...

Willie Pearl’s new single “Fixed It For Ya” is Casey’s DJ pick of the week! “Fixed It For Ya” is the band’s first release...