Darrin Bradbury — “Shiny Town”: DJ Pick of the Week
"Shiny Town" by Darrin Bradbury is Casey's DJ pick of the week! Bradbury is based in East Nashville and is known for his humorous,...
Sarah Lake — “You Don’t Have To”: Local Artist of the...
Indie country artist Sarah Lake is Lightning 100's local artist of the week! Lake has written for many artists in Nashville in addition to...
the615 – 11/15/21
Casey introduces Sarah Lake as our new Local Artist of the Week on this week's episode of the615. You'll also hear tracks from De3ra,...
615 Saturday – 11/13/21
Learn about several Tennessee state songs on this week's 615 Saturday. Casey plays tracks from Moon Taxi, The Criticals, Drew Elliott, Tommy Womack, and...
Will Ellis — “No Bosses In Heaven”: DJ Pick of the...
"No Bosses in Heaven" by Will Ellis is Casey's DJ pick of the week! Will Ellis is a Nashville-based artist and released his EP,...
the615 – 11/8/21
This week on the615 Casey introduces Amanda Broadway Band as our new Local Artist of the Week. You'll also hear tracks from Tommy Womack,...
The Amanda Broadway Band — “The Slow Down”: Local Artist of...
The Amanda Broadway Band is Lightning 100's local artist of the week! The group is back with a brand new single, "The Slow Down."...
615 Saturday – 11/6/21
This week on 615 Saturday Casey fills you in on which Tennessean holds the world record for "Most Claps in a Minute". You'll hear...
Super Ride —”Shred City”: DJ Pick of the Week
Super Ride's new single "Shred City" is Casey's DJ pick of the week! The song is Super Ride's debut release. Upon listening to Super...
the615 – 11/1/21
This week on the615 Casey introduces Jasmin Kaset as our new Local Artist of the Week. He's also joined by special guest, Hadley Kennary....
Jasmin Kaset — “Have You Met Me Yet?”: Local Artist of...
Jasmin Kaset is Lightning 100's Local Artist of the Week! The Nashville-based singer-songwriter simultaneously dropped two new singles back in October. According to Kaset's...
615 Saturday – 10/30/21
This week on 615 Saturday Casey gives everyone a break from the spooky stories and talks about the happiest place in Tennessee. You'll also...
Tommy Womack — “Pay It Forward”: DJ Pick of the Week
Tommy Womack's new single "Pay It Forward" is Casey's DJ pick of the week! "Pay It Forward" is included on Womack's new album, I...
the615 – 10/25/21
This week on the615 Casey brings another full length album premiere. Be sure to check out Phillip-Michael Scales's debut record "Sinner-Songwriter" this Friday....
Waker – “Many Days Ahead”: Local Artist of the Week
Waker is Lightning 100's Local Artist of the Week! The genre-blending group released their single "Many Days Ahead" in late January 2021. The single...
615 Saturday – 10/23/21
Spooky Szn is still upon us and Frightening Casey is here to tell you another creepy Tennessee tale. You'll also hear tracks from Dreamer...
the615 – 10/18/21
This week on the615 Casey introduces Amanda Shires as our new Local Artist of the Week. You'll also hear tracks from Margo Price, Daniel...
Amanda Shires – “Saddle in the Rain”: Local Artist of the...
The endlessly talented Amanda Shires is Lightning 100’s Local Artist of the Week! The Texas born musician and songwriter is a featured artist on a...
615 Saturday – 10/16/21
Learn a bit about the Bell Witch from Casey on this week's episode of 615 Saturday. You'll also hear tracks from Erin Rae, Trent...
Willie Pearl — “Fixed It For Ya”: DJ Pick of the...
Willie Pearl’s new single “Fixed It For Ya” is Casey’s DJ pick of the week! “Fixed It For Ya” is the band’s first release...